Saturday 1 September 2012

Behavioral Therapy - Recovery after divorce

Family Therapist : Unfortunately most people will experience divorce in lifetime. The current divorce rate will be 50% for first marriages. Some liken a divorce to experiencing a death. Divorce is a death to a dream. Most people do not become married to become divorced. A person grieves a loss of a marriage. The purpose of this will be given three reasons for need of divorce recovery. The reasons will be given with the process may be long, and you do not want to be stuck in recovery.

Divorce will be similar to death will be experience the five stages of grief. These stages will be created by these doctors. These stages will be initially applied to death and dying. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Divorce is a death to a marriage or in other words an institution. When you go through the first stage, there is a sense of shock. You cannot believe it is happening. The next stage is anger. You will express this anger in many ways. Look out for the signs. The third stage is bargaining. You will try to create a way to stop the divorce. Then there is a period of depression. You may not have a will to live or do the normal things in life. Each person experiences depression in different ways. The final stage is acceptance. This is the stage where you will realize that you are no longer are married and you are truly fine with it.

Many scholars say that it would take several years. Some guide states that recovery takes one year for every year of the married; others state that recovery is one year for every two years of being married. Regardless of the source for divorce recovery, it takes years. To recover do nothing and you may or may not go through all the stages. If you do nothing, you risk being stuck in a stage. 

For more details about Marriage Counselor

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